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Learning Outcomes for Humanities
Humanities(H/) and Western Civilization(W/):
These outcomes are fulfilled through one of two courses in the humanistic transition emphasizing the search for moral, social, and political alternatives and meaning as embodied in the institutions, culture, and literature of Western Civilization: Western Humanities I (beginnings to 1600) or Western Humanities II (1600 to present). The courses are factual as well as conceptual. For the most part, readings consist of "Great Books," and instructors are expected to present them from the point of view of the moral and/or political alternatives that they put forward. Requirements for each of the two courses include (a) two essay examinations during the semester and a final essay examination, and (b) two papers of approximately 1000 words each, one of which must be analytical in nature and one of which may be a short research paper.
The Departments of English, History, Languages and Literatures, and Philosophy are primarily responsible for offering these courses.
Learning Outcomes:
Students will:
- demonstrate knowledge of the contributions of significant Western thinkers to ongoing intellectual debate about moral, social, and political alternatives;
- demonstrate knowledge of the major trends and movements that have shaped and responded to this debate: e.g., monotheism, humanism, etc.
- demonstrate the ability to think critically about moral, social, and political arguments in the Western intellectual tradition, evaluating the logic of these arguments and relating them to the historical and cultural context;
- consider moral, social, and political issues from an interdisciplinary perspective.