Caroline Beltz-Hosek has been a member of the Geneseo faculty since 2006.

- Creative Writing
- Modernism
- Virginia Woolf
- Women's Studies and Feminist Theory
Curriculum Vitae
B.A., New York University
M.A., SUNY Brockport
ENGL 101: Lit: Gender/Narr Wuthering Hts
A course exploring a particular topic involving specific themes, issues, authors, literary forms, or media types. Subtitles of "Topics in Literature" help students develop fundamental skills for critical reading and effective writing.
ENGL 201: Foundations of Creative Wrtg
An intermediate-level writing workshop involving assignments in various literary forms. Class discussions will focus on student work as well as work by published authors.
ENGL 202: Rdg: Poetry of Place
A creative writing class designed to give students opportunities to practice and refine their writing skills in one or two genres. Students may take twice for credit under different subtitles. Topics may include point-of-view and perspective in short fiction, creating characters, the persona poem. There is an emphasis on close reading, critical thinking and revision. Frequent writing required.