Education Undergraduate Enrolling in Graduate Course

An advanced undergraduate student in the School of Education may apply to take up to six hours of 500-level graduate coursework related to the student’s degree program. Permission request forms should be made to the School of Education Liaison. A decision will be made based on (1) the student’s academic progress, gradepoint average, and rationale for enrolling in graduate courses, and (2) the availability of space in the course. If the student is within 12 credit hours of graduation when enrolling in graduate courses, and if the student graduates within one calendar year of completing the courses, the graduate coursework will appear on a graduate transcript; otherwise, it will appear on the student’s undergraduate transcript.

If permitted to take the graduate course, students will be registered after the completion of the registration period.

(available during advanced and open registration).

If you have any questions, please contact:

Dr. Jeanne Galbraith, Interim Dean, School of Education


Office: South 217
1 College Circle
South Hall 200
Geneseo, NY  14454