Michael Rozalski

South Hall 219C

Dr. Rozalski was a member of the SOE faculty from 2001-2011, spent seven years at Binghamton University, and then returned to Geneseo in 2018.

Portrait of Michael Rozalski

Curriculum Vitae


  • Education

    Ph.D. August 2001
    University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC
    Special Education- Research and College Teaching
    Cognate: Criminal Justice

    M.Ed. December 2000
    University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC
    Educational Research

    M.Ed. December 1999
    University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC
    Special Education- Emotional Behavioral Disorders

    B.A. May 1994
    St Mary's College of Maryland, St. Mary's City, MD
    Psychology, Cum Laude


  • National Kappa Delta Pi Program Award, 2009

    Fred and Joan Brown Award, Ella Cline Shear School of Education, 2009

    SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2007-2008

    Phi Eta Sigma and National Order of Omega, Honorary Inductee, 2008

    Outstanding Student Organization Advisor Award, Geneseo Organization for Leadership Development, 2005

    Outstanding Achievement Award for Campus Organizations: Kappa Delta Pi, ºÚÁÏÍø President’s

    Outstanding Achievement Award, 2005

    Hurrell-McNaron Award, ºÚÁÏÍø Research Council, 2004


  • * indicate publications with students as co-authors

    Mathur, S.R., Kern, L., Albrecht, S.F., Poland, S., Rozalski, M. E., & Skiba, R.J. (2017).
    Council for Children with Behavioral Disorders’ position executive summary on
    school-based mental health services. Behavioral Disorders, 43(1), 223-226. DOI:

    Yell, M., Rozalski, M., & *Miller, J. (2015). Classroom management, discipline, and the
    law. In E.T. Emmer & E.J. Sabornie (Eds.), Handbook of classroom management (2nd ed.)
    (pp. 431-445). New York: Taylor & Francis.

    Urso, A., & Rozalski, M.E. (2014). Developing training programs to save lives: Serving
    students with complex or emergency healthcare needs. Physical Disabilities:
    Education and Related Services, 33(1), 39-52.

    Rozalski, M., Peterson, R.L., Ryan, J.B., & Losinsky, M. (2013). Proactive techniques to
    prevent and reduce conflict. In R.L. Peterson, J.B. Ryan, & M. Rozalski (Eds.),
    Physical restraint and seclusion in schools (pp. 51-68). Alexandria, Virginia: Council
    for Exceptional Children.

    Rozalski, M., Ryan, J.B., Peterson, R.L., & *Sutton, M. (2013). De-escalating conflict and
    aggressive behavior. In R.L. Peterson, J.B. Ryan, & M. Rozalski (Eds.), Physical
    restraint and seclusion in schools (pp. 69-86). Alexandria, Virginia: Council for
    Exceptional Children.

    Peterson, R.L., Ryan, J.B. & Rozalski, M. (Eds.). (2013). Physical restraint and seclusion
    in schools. Alexandria, Virginia: Council for Exceptional Children.

    Rozalski, M. E., *Stewart, A., & *Miller, J. (2010). Bibliotherapy: Using children's
    literature to reach students experiencing difficult situations. Kappa Delta Pi Record, 47(1), 33-37.

    Rozalski, M. E., *Stewart, A., & *Miller, J. (2010). How to determine the Least Restrictive Environment for
    students with disabilities. Exceptionality, 18(3), 151-163.

    Rozalski, M. E., Katsiyannis, A., Ryan, J., Collins, T., & *Stewart, A. (2010). Americans with Disabilities Act
    Amendments of 2008. Journal of Disability Policy Studies, 21(1), 22-28.


  • Rozalski, M. E. (2018, July). Are your students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders
    not willing to talk about emotions? Try bibliotherapy. Paper presented at the annual
    international meeting of the Council for Exceptional Children’s Division of International Special
    Education and Services, Cape Town, South Africa.

    Rozalski, M. E., & *Warner, J. (2017, October). What does case law teach us: How to create
    legally-sound IEPs. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the New York State
    Council for Exceptional Children, Binghamton, NY.

    Rozalski, M. E., & *Weinstein, S. (2017, October). Children and adolescent literature as an
    intervention tool for students facing difficult life situations. Paper presented at the
    annual meeting of the New York State Council for Exceptional Children, Binghamton, NY.

    Rozalski, M. E. (2017, May). Children and adolescent literature as an intervention tool for
    students with emotional and behavioral difficulties. Paper presented at the annual
    meeting of the Athens Institute for Education and Research, Athens, Greece.

    Yell, M. L., & Rozalski, M. E. (2016, April). Developing educationally meaningful and
    legally sound IEPs: Avoiding procedural and substantive errors in IEP development.
    Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Council for Exceptional Children, St. Louis, MO.

    Rozalski, M. E., Andrus, B., & *Kaplan, R. (2015, November). Using children’s literature to
    create acceptance in inclusive classrooms. Paper presented at the annual meeting of
    the New York State Council for Exceptional Children, Saratoga Springs, NY.

    Rozalski, M. E. (2013, June). Using bibliotherapy to help students struggling with difficult
    personal experiences. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Hawaii University
    International Conference, Honolulu, HI.

Professional Affiliations

  • Council for Exceptional Children (CEC)
    Council for Children with Behavioral Disorders (CCBD)
    Kappa Delta Pi (KDP), International Honor Society in Education

Research Interests

  • My research interests include classroom and school-wide supports, including alternatives to aversive procedures like seclusion and timeout, and legal issues related to students with disabilities.


  • ECED 326: Classrm Mgmt Elementary School

    This course provides knowledge of different approaches to establishing and maintaining well-managed classrooms as well as understanding of the core values underlying different approaches. Through case analysis, role playing, cooperative learning, use of technology, and simulated practice, students will learn how to apply principles of classroom management to actual teaching situations. Students also will learn how to organize a learning environment that minimizes management problems, how to avoid or overcome communication roadblocks, and how to respond to persistent, difficult behaviors.

  • SPED 383: Spec Ed Classroom Mgmt Skills

    The skills and competencies needed in order to effectively manage the classroom behavior of students with disabilities will be covered. Techniques for arranging the classroom environment (e.g., scheduling, structuring, and designing environments) as well as techniques in operant learning will be presented. The focus will be on the principles of operant learning and the relationship between behavior and environmental events that facilitate learning. Includes field visit component.