Dr. Keegan has been a member of the Geneseo faculty since 2007. Her interests include science fiction, digital literacies and multiliteracies, young adult literature, graphic novels, and internet memes.

Office Hours
Curriculum Vitae
Ph.D.-- University at Buffalo
National Council of Teachers of English
Keegan, K. M. (2010). Visual literacy and online community interactions: PhotoShop 聶 contests at Fark.com. International Journal of Technology, Knowledge and Society, 6(4) 165-178.
Keegan, K. M., Abdallah-Fischer, F. F., & McVee, M. B (2011). Names and nationalities: Positioning and hybrid identity in the narrated experiences of a Palestinian-American teacher. In McVee, M. B., Brock, C., Glazier, J. A. (Eds.) Sociocultural positionings in literacy research: Exploring discourse, culture, narrative, and power. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Keegan, K. M. (2011). 聯Not sure if serious聰: Multiliteracies and communities of practice on Fark.com. Ubiquitous Learning: An International Journal, 3(4), 1-18.
Keegan, K. M. (2012). 聯I threw a party and 5 million people showed up聰: A website owner and operator as model for new literacies teaching. The International Journal of Technology, Knowledge and Society, 7(5) 73-89.
Research Interests
The adolescent daydream project: Creative writing and multimodality in the high school ELA classroom Evaluating undergraduate pre-service teacher candidate use of multimodal texts in the execution of the INTD 301 daydream project