Kelly Keegan

Assistant Professor
South Hall 228B

Dr. Keegan has been a member of the Geneseo faculty since 2007. Her interests include science fiction, digital literacies and multiliteracies, young adult literature, graphic novels, and internet memes.

No portrait available.

Office Hours


Curriculum Vitae


  • Ph.D.-- University at Buffalo


  • National Council of Teachers of English


  • Keegan, K. M. (2010). Visual literacy and online community interactions: PhotoShop 聶 contests at International Journal of Technology, Knowledge and Society, 6(4) 165-178.

  • Keegan, K. M., Abdallah-Fischer, F. F., & McVee, M. B (2011). Names and nationalities: Positioning and hybrid identity in the narrated experiences of a Palestinian-American teacher. In McVee, M. B., Brock, C., Glazier, J. A. (Eds.) Sociocultural positionings in literacy research: Exploring discourse, culture, narrative, and power. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.

  • Keegan, K. M. (2011). 聯Not sure if serious聰: Multiliteracies and communities of practice on Ubiquitous Learning: An International Journal, 3(4), 1-18.

  • Keegan, K. M. (2012). 聯I threw a party and 5 million people showed up聰: A website owner and operator as model for new literacies teaching. The International Journal of Technology, Knowledge and Society, 7(5) 73-89.

Research Interests

The adolescent daydream project: Creative writing and multimodality in the high school ELA classroom Evaluating undergraduate pre-service teacher candidate use of multimodal texts in the execution of the INTD 301 daydream project
