Ernest Balajthy

Professor, Literacy Division Coordinator
South Hall 222B

Dr. Balajthy is Professor of Education in the Literacy Division.


Curriculum Vitae


  • Ed.D., Rutgers University

  • M.Ed., Rutgers University

  • B.A., Rutgers College


  • Dr. Balajthy taught for almost 10 years in New Jersey public schools, as a classroom teacher and as a reading specialist.

  • He has directed literacy/reading clinics at all levels, early literacy through adult.

  • At SUNY-Geneseo, Dr. Balajthy is the faculty advisor to the InterVarsity Christian Fellowship and the Elementary and Secondary Education Association.


  • International Reading Association

  • Association of Literacy Educators and Researches

  • Literacy Research Association


  • Research study in progress: 聯Grades 1-12 Beta Testing and Norming of Tier Tracker for Mathematics Universal Screening and Progress Monitoring Test.聰 Sponsored and funded by School Specialty Intervention, Inc., Cambridge, MA: 2-year study being carried out with 10,000 K-12 students.

  • Accepted for online and print publication by School Specialty, Inc., Cambridge, MA: Research Basis White Paper for Making Connections Intervention Online, a blended learning curriculum for struggling middle school readers

  • Publication and paper presentation: 聯An Interdisciplinary Approach to Software Development in Educational Technology.聰 2011 Proceedings of the International Association of Technology, Education, and Development, Barcelona, Spain. (Co-author: Edina Torlakovic, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario)

  • In progress for online and print publication by School Specialty, Inc., Cambridge, MA: Research Basis White Paper for Wordly Wise 3000 Online, a K-12 online program for academic vocabulary development

  • Research study in progress: 聯Year 2 of the Restore Evaluation Study.聰 2010-2011 data collection and research on the Restore After-School Program for Urban Youth, Elizabeth, New Jersey.

  • Paper presentation: 聯Response to Intervention (RTI) and Technology-Based Assessment.聰 Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, San Francisco, March, 2011

  • Presentation accepted: 聯Supporting Urban After-School Programs Using Technology.聰 International Reading Association, Orlando, FL, May, 2011.

Research Interests

Ernest Balajthy is the author of three books and many articles in the field of reading and literacy. Balajthy's most recent book is Struggling Readers: Assessment and Instruction K-6 (Guilford). He is the author of two of the earliest books on using computers to teach literacy, Microcomputers in Reading and Language Arts and Computers and Reading: Lessons from the Past and the Technologies of the Future (both published by Prentice Hall). He has also authored over 100 articles related to literacy and technology and has edited regular columns on the topic in two journals: Reading and Writing Quarterly and The Reading Teacher. His other scholarly interests include assessment and testing, metacognition, and comprehension.


  • CURR 313: Classroom Reading&Lit Programs

    This course is designed to provide students with a knowledge of various approaches, methods, and procedures for use in intermediate (grades 4-6) and middle school reading programs; to provide practical experience using various literacy engagements; and to describe modifications of literacy instruction to teach children with disabilities. Includes field trip component.

  • EDUC 215: Foundtn of Literacy-Sec School

    The course will provide a focused study on the principles and methods of using literacy (reading, writing, listening, and speaking) to improve learning and provide differentiated instruction for all learners. Methodology will be based on adolescent (grades 7-12) curriculum and will provide extensive opportunity for students to apply their learning to teaching in their specific disciplines.