Data Protection: College Fellows

How we use your personal information

This statement explains how (“we” and “our”) handles and uses information we collect about our Fellows and Senior Members employed by the College (“you” and “your”).  In broad terms, we use your data to manage your employment or other relationship with the College, including your role and the performance of it, how we support you as an employer and how you are paid (where appropriate) as well as other statutory requirements.

The controller for your personal information is , Trinity Street, Cambridge, CB2 1TA. The Data Protection Officer for the College is the Office of Intercollegiate Services Ltd [12B King’s Parade, Cambridge; 01223 768745;]: OIS Ltd. should be contacted if you have any concerns about how the College is managing your personal information, or if you require advice on how to exercise your rights as outlined in this statement. The person within the College otherwise responsible for data protection at the time of issue, and the person who is responsible for monitoring compliance with relevant legislation in relation to the protection of personal information, is the Senior Bursar

Unless otherwise stated, the legal basis for processing your personal data is that it is necessary for the performance of the employment or fellowship contract we hold with you, or for statutory purposes (e.g. processing your monthly salary, tax and pension contributions).   

How your data is used by the College

Your data is used by us for a number of purposes, including:

A. supporting your employment or other form of fellowship and your performance in your role:

Personal data includes:

  1.  *personal details, including name, contact details (phone, email, postal, both work and personal) and photograph;
  2.  your current and any previous role descriptions;
  3.  your current and any previous contracts of employment and related correspondence;
  4. any occupational health assessments and medical information you have provided, and related work requirements;
  5. * qualifications achieved before and during your employment, and details of any training undertaken on behalf of the College.
  6. * details of your achievements as a member of the College, including publications, academic achievements, contributions to College life including the SCR, committees, clubs and societies.

B. ensuring that you have the right to work for the College:

Personal data includes:

  1. *your recruitment information (including your original application form and associated information submitted at that time);
  2. other data relating to your recruitment (including your offer of employment and related correspondence, references we took up on your appointment, and any pre-employment assessment of you);
  3.  *evidence of your right to work in the UK (e.g. copies of your passport).

C. paying and rewarding you for your work:

Personal data includes:

  1. *your bank details;
  2.  *details of your preferred pension scheme;
  3.  your current and previous salary and other earnings (e.g. maternity pay, overtime), and the amounts you have paid in statutory taxes
  4.  * correspondence between you and the College, and between members and staff of the College, relating to your pay, pension, benefits and other remuneration.

In addition, we maintain records of your use or take-up of any benefit schemes provided by us (e.g. healthcare), which we collate and monitor to review the effectiveness of these staff benefits.  The legal basis for this processing is that it is in our legitimate interest to ensure that any staff benefit schemes represent good value for money to both you and us, and to ensure that you do not overuse your entitlements.

D. administering HR-related processes, including records of absences and appraisals of performance and, where necessary, investigations or reviews into your conduct or performance:

Personal data includes:

  1. *records of any performance appraisals;
  2.  records, where they exist, of any investigation or review into your conduct or performance;
  3. records of absences from work (including but not limited to annual leave entitlement, sabbatical or study leave, sickness leave, parental leave and compassionate leave)
  4. correspondence between you and the College, and between members and staff of the College, regarding any matters relating to your employment and any related issues (including but not limited to changes to duties, responsibilities and benefits, your retirement, resignation or exit from the College and personal and professional references provided by the College to you or a third party at your request)

E. maintaining an emergency contact point for you:

Personal data includes details of your preferred emergency contact, including their name, relationship to you and their contact details

F. ensuring that other members of the College and the University know that you are a Fellow of the College, and that you are identified as a member of the College in the public eye

Names, qualifications, roles and photographs of Fellows may appear on the College website and social media run by the College, and in “The Caian” or other publications.

G. monitoring equality and diversity within the College:

*Personal data includes information relating to your age, nationality, gender. Any information about your religion or beliefs, sexual orientation and ethnicity is collected separately and kept anonymously for monitoring only.

H. disclosing personal information about you to external organisations, as permitted or required by law.

If you have concerns or queries about any of these purposes, or how we communicate with you, please contact us at the address given below.

Data marked with an * includes information provided by you, or created in discussion and agreement with you.  Other data and information is generated by the College or, where self-evident, provided by a third party.

We also operate CCTV on our sites which will capture footage. The legal basis for processing your personal information via a CCTV system is that it is in our legitimate interests to protect College property, ensure a safe environment, deter and detect crime and provide evidence for alleged breaches of College status, regulations and staff handbook. Our  is available on our website. 

For certain posts, we may use the Disclosure and Barring Services (DBS) and Disclosure Scotland to help assess your suitability for certain positions of trust.  If this is the case, we will make this clear to you in separate correspondence.  Certificate and status check information is only used for this specific purpose, and we comply fully with the DBS code of Practice regarding the correct use, handling, storage, retention and destruction of certificates and certificate information.  We recognise that it is a criminal offence to pass this information on to anyone who is not entitled to receive it.

Who we share your data with

We share your personal information where necessary and appropriate across the collegiate University. The University and its partners (including all of the Colleges) have a data sharing protocol to govern the sharing of staff and members of the College. This is necessary because they are distinct legal entities. The parties may share any of the above categories of personal information, and the agreement can be viewed in full at .

Any transmission of information between partners is managed through agreed processes that comply with UK data protection legislation.We share relevant personal data with our sub-contracting agents (Wispay payroll providers and Medicash) and with relevant government agencies (e.g. HMRC) and your pension provider.  Information is not shared with other third parties without your written consent, other than your name, role and employment contact details which are made publically available.  Generally, personal data is not shared outside of the European Economic Area.
We hold all information for the duration of your employment.  After that time, the majority of that information will be passed to the College Archive, where it will be stored securely. During your lifetime it may not be viewed by anyone except the Registrary, the Master and the Personnel Officer without your permission. This information will include:

  1. *your full name and title;
  2. your job title(s) and the corresponding dates of employment;
  3. any health and safety issues;
  4. details of your previous salaries and other earnings, pensions and the amounts you have paid in statutory taxes;
  5. details of any settlement agreements
  6. details of your achievements as a member of the College, including publications, academic achievements, contributions to College life including the SCR, committees, clubs and societies.

Those marked with an * relate to information provided by you, or created in discussion and agreement with you. 

Your rights

You have the right: to ask us for access to, rectification or erasure of your data; to restrict processing (pending correction or deletion); and to ask for the transfer of your data electronically to a third party (data portability).  Some of these rights are not automatic, and we reserve the right to discuss with you why we might not comply with a request from you to exercise them.

Failure to provide the information reasonably requested of you may result in disciplinary action taken by the College, which could ultimately lead to your dismissal from employment.

You retain the right at all times to lodge a complaint about our management of your personal data with the .

Last updated: Registrary and Records Manager, May 2018