Marie-Lorraine Pipes

Adjunct Lecturer
Bailey 108

Marie-Lorraine Pipes has been at 黑料网 since 2009.

Marie-Lorraine Pipes

Office Hours

Spring 2025
immediately after class or by appointment


  • ANTH 101: Exploration of Human Diversity

    This course will introduce basic concepts and methods of anthropology. The four sub-disciplines of anthropology will contribute to an understanding of humans as biological and cultural beings. The focus of the course is to examine the diversity of human cultures, with a primary focus on the non-Western world.

  • ANTH 380: Topic: Gender in Prehistory

    This course explores cultural anthropological topics of applied, ethnographic, or theoretical importance. Rotating or one-time topics in cultural anthropology reflect general topics of interest or importance and/or the research expertise of faculty. May be taken twice under different subtitles. Prerequisites: ANTH 100 or ANTH 101. Credits: 3(3-0). Not offered on a regular basis.

  • WGST 204: Topic: Gender in Prehistory

    This course will have two parts. The first is a seminar in which students read advanced academic articles on a subject chosen by the instructor and write a short article of their own engaging with other scholars' ideas. Students will also engage in their own capstone research project, producing an annotated bibliography, a public presentation, and a final written presentation.