Andrew Herman

Associate Professor & Chair Of Communication
Blake B 121

Andrew Herman has been a member of the Geneseo faculty since 2002.

Picture of Andrew Herman

Office Hours Spring 2023

Please contact Noreen Mazurowski to schedule a meeting with Dr. Herman.

Curriculum Vitae


  • Ph.D., Northwestern University (2005)
    Focus on communication and social capital for community development.

  • M.Div., Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (1997)
    Focus on media and contemporary culture.


  • Zook, J. M., & Herman, A. P. (2011). Course-specific intrinsic motivation: Effects of teacher support and global academic motivation. Journal on Excellence in College Teaching, 22 (4), 83-103.

  • Montondo, M. D., & Herman, A. P. (2010). Bears, books and beer: One student group?s attempt at a public relations campaign. In L. Black (Ed.), Group communication: Cases for analysis, appreciation, and application (pp. 105-113). Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt.

  • Eisenberg, A. F., & Herman, A. P. (2008). Pedagogical partnerships: Creating links between science and society through a focus on learning. In W. R. Freudenburg (Series Ed.) & H. Hartman (Vol. Ed.), Research on social problems and public policy: Vol. 16. Integrating the sciences and society: Challenges, practices, and potentials (pp. 197-223). Bingsley, UK: Emerald Group.

  • Herman, A. P., & Ettema, J. S. (2007). A community confronts the digital divide: A case study of social capital formation through communication activism. In L. R. Frey & K. C. Carragee (Eds.). Communication activism: Vol. 2. Media and performance activism (pp. 255-281). Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.

  • Herman, A. P., & Wyant, C. P. (2006). Beatles versus Beethoven: Using music to introduce cognitive structures. Communication Teacher, 20, 44-48.

  • Herman, A. P. (2001). Social capital, spirituality and the value of communication. In A. Rodriguez (Ed.), Essays on communication & spirituality. New York, NY: University Press of America.


  • Eastern Communication Association

  • International Society for Exploring Teaching and Learning

Honors and Awards

  • 黑料网 President's Award for Excellence in Academic Advisement, Fall 2011

  • Outstanding Edited Scholarly Book in Applied Communication, National Communication Association Award, Fall 2008

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Teaching Interests

Despite loving to teach classes that focus on communication theory, my recent teaching has focused on the professional and applied learning classes (though I still work some theory into these too!). 

My primary class is Communication in Career Prep, a class with the primary goal of helping students "think about all the things they know they should think about but are afraid to" regarding their professional journeys after college. The class combines doses of self-reflection, career research, communication practice, and thoughtful integration so students are prepared to enter the job market with a purposeful sense of direction. 

I also focus on the applied learning activities for Communication majors that are not focused on research. This includes overseeing majors completing an internship, as well as those being teaching assistants. In this role I strive to get students to improve their self-awareness and develop a sense of reflective purposefulness in the work they are doing. My goal is that student interns and teaching assistants will think about what they are learning about themselves in their current role and integrate that knowledge into future professional roles. 

Research Interests

My research centers around interpersonal communication, communication competence, and the communication issues people experience throughout the job search process. My goal is to raise our awareness of how communication is at work so people can be more appropriate and effective in their communication choices while searching, applying, and interviewing for jobs. 

After working with students and alumni for 15 years on the early stages of their professional journeys, I have begun work on a book that focuses on the role of communication across the stages of any job search. Supplementing the book work, my current research interests focus on the communication aspects of using a portfolio in a job interview. Another area of interest is the role of communication in the classroom and its effect on student motivation.


  • COMN 379: Communication in Career Prep

    This course encourages students to make connections between the communication concepts they have learned in their classes and their future personal and professional life. In doing so, students will look back to review and discuss key concepts, look inward to see how these concepts impact their own lives and look forward to make explicit connections to their anticipated future. Concurrently, students will engage in a self-reflective process in preparation for a professional career.

  • COMN 496: Teaching Practicum in Comm