Focus 2 Guide

What is Focus 2?

Focus 2 is an online tool with features to help you learn more about yourself, choose majors offered at Geneseo, explore occupations, and make informed career decisions.

Login Instructions:

  1. Visit The Career Design Center's Online Resources Page, and click on the Focus 2 logo (or enter the directly from here.)
  2. Click the "register' button.
  3. Type in the access code "knight" and complete your registration.
  4. From there, you will be able to take different assessments and learn more about different careers and majors.
  5. Focus 2 is self - paced and does not have to be done at one time. You can log back in at any time. 

Focus 2 Components:

Career Planning Foundations

Evaluate your career planning involvement, academic strengths, and career readiness.

Self - Assessment

Complete the following series of assessments and review your results to learn how your personal attributes fit into the world of work. Then explore the occupations and supporting majors presented in the results of each assessment. You can also combine assessments to identify occupations that occur in multiple assessments and note trends in reoccurring majors.

Work Interest Assessment The Work Interest Assessment will identify occupations that provide the kinds of work - related activities and tasks you most enjoy doing. Your top three work interests can be matched to occupations and majors that will typically appeal to you. The combination of the first letters of your top three work interests is called your Holland Code.
Personality Assessment The Personality Assessment will match your personality type to occupations compatible with your personality preferences. Your personality type describes how you react to certain situations/people, make decisions, organize information and go about solving problems. 
Leisure Assessment The Leisure Interest Assessment will identify occupations that provide opportunities and activities compatible with your leisure preferences. The kinds of leisure activities you engage in can be predictive of the kinds of occupations you will find the most interesting and enjoyable. 
Values Assessment The Values Assessment will identify occupations that are compatible with your work values. Your work values are job - related beliefs and ideas that are important to you.
Skills Assessment The Skills Assessment will identify occupations that match your skills profile. Skills can be learned or be the result of natural abilities and talents for doing certain tasks. It is important to explore occupations that you have the ability to do or plan on becoming more proficient in.
Explore the Possibilities

Use these tools to assist with further exploration of majors and occupations. You can learn about what you can do with a major in a specific field and view detailed reports for different occupations.

Take Action

Develop a road map of your goals and experiences to plan for your future.

Career and Education Planning Results

This is a summary of your Focus 2 results with your comments and top major/occupation choices.

Recommended Tools & Websites

Check out these resources and links suggested by The Career Design Center.

Questions to Consider:

  • Review and save at least 5 of your favorite occupations listed in your assessment results.
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  • Review and save 1 - 2 majors that will support those occupations. List them below.
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      - Do you find the subject matter of your preferred majors appealing?
      - Do you find the occupations associated with your preferred majors appealing?
      - Do your preferred majors match the majors displayed in your self - assessment results?
      - Do your preferred majors support your career goals and favorite occupations?
  • Which major(s)/occupation(s) are most appealing to you after your in - depth review?
  • What questions/comments do you have about the major(s)/occupation(s) you are considering? 
  • Do your preferred majors/occupations support your personality preferences, career interests, skills, and values? Why is this major/occupation a good fit for you?
  • How does understanding your Focus 2 self assessment results give you career direction and guide your decision making?

Reviewing Results: 

After completing Focus 2, it will be helpful for you to meet with a career coach in The Career Design Center to review your results and talk about your career goals and major selection further. To set up an appointment please email or call (585)245-5721.