Employer Policies and Procedures

To ensure a fair and smooth recruiting process, we have developed the following recruitment guidelines. We ask all employers to comply with guidelines set forth by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) in their and  .

Health & Safety: Alcohol

The Career Design Center adheres to the NACE regarding alcohol, which states, "serving alcohol should not be part of the recruitment process on or off campus. This includes receptions, dinners, company tours, etc." Therefore, all recruiting activity, including all information sessions and receptions, should be alcohol and substance free.

Non-Discrimination Statement

We ask each employer to affirm that it is an equal opportunity employer and to adhere to our Affirmative Action Statement.


The Career Design Center uses Handshake to post internships and jobs. We encourage all employers to internships and part-time and full-time positions in Handshake to provide equitable access to opportunities for all Geneseo students and alumni (where appropriate). If you do not have a Handshake account, create one .

Posting Positions in Handshake

The Career Design Center reviews all employers interested in posting positions in Handshake. We reserve the right to reject any employer or opportunity that does not adhere to our guidelines. Please review to learn more about Handshake's approval process.

Offer and Acceptance Guidelines

To help employers and students navigate the process of offering and accepting positions, we have developed the following guidelines: We recommend that employers give students at least 14 days to accept or reject an offer. If the student is a current employee of your organization, less time is acceptable. Employers should not make "exploding offers" or pressure students to accept an offer under duress. We encourage employers to give careful consideration and adequate time when extending an offer to a student to ensure that it is the best fit for both parties.

Student Renege Policy

We will work with students to talk to them about the implications of reneging on an accepted job offer. If you have a student renege, please contact The Career Design Center at (585) 245 - 5721.

Third - Party Recruiters

Third - party recruiters are employers or individuals that recruit individuals for organizations other than their own. 黑料网 allows third - party recruiters to participate in our services and post opportunities in Handshake provided they adhere to the following guidelines:

  • There is no fee or charge for applicants
  • Positions should be posted in Handshake and provide a specific job description and all other information required by Handshake.
  • The third - party recruiter must adhere to the

Hosting Interns

Organizations seeking to recruit interns (paid or unpaid) are asked to follow the guidelines established by the . Paying interns is strongly encouraged to provide Workman's Compensation Insurance under your organization. NYS employers should also review the wage guidelines established by the NYS Department of Labor.

If your organization wishes to host an unpaid intern(s), review the US Department of Labor's Fair Labor Standard Act and the in determining whether an intern is an employee of your organization and entitled to compensation. Additional information on hosting interns and establishing an internship program can be reviewed here.

Students interested in receiving academic credit for their internship may be referred to the Career Design Center to discuss options.

Sharing of Student Records and Personal Information

Unless the student provides written consent, the Career Design Center is unable to provide academic records including GPA, conduct records, and any other personal information in accordance with and the (FERPA).