Dr. Alam's teaching expertise are in the areas of Digital Marketing, Social Media Marketing and Search Engine Marketing and Analytics. His research interests are in the areas of Social Media Marketing, Cross Cultural Research, and New Financial Service Development. His research has been published in prestigious marketing journals including: Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Services Marketing, Journal of Business to Business Marketing, Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, Journal of Marketing Management, Service Industries Journal, Journal of Global Marketing, Journal of Service Management, International Marketing Review, Qualitative Market Research, International Journal of Emerging Markets, and in several international conference proceedings and book chapters. Dr. Alam has also shared his extensive expertise in Digital and Social Media Marketing with many trade journals and publications.
In March 2022, Dr. Alam was awarded the rank of Distinguished Teaching Professor by the State University of New York (SUNY) Board of Trustees. Distinguished ranks are the highest honors awarded by SUNY system. Dr. Alam is also the recipient of the Chancellor鈥檚 Award for Excellence in Teaching and several Outstanding Teaching and the Use of Active Learning in the Classroom Awards. Dr. Alam is the area coordinator of Business Administration and Marketing in the school of business. He also advises Geneseo Marketing Association. He is active in organizing competitions for American Marketing Association (AMA). He has also organized several student-practitioner conferences for the marketing students in the school of business. Dr Alam has served on multiple school and college committees.
Before joining SUNY, Geneseo, Dr. Alam was a faculty member at the University of Southern Queensland, Charles Sturt University, and Queensland University of Technology (all in Australia). Prior to joining academia, Dr. Alam worked for several years as Marketing Executive in a soft drink manufacturing firm. He also has extensive consulting experience in the areas of new product/service development.

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Curriculum Vitae
PhD: University of Southern Queensland, Australia
Master of Business in Marketing Management: Queensland University of Technology, Australia
MBA: Aligarh Muslim University, India
B. Com: University of Calcutta, India
American Marketing Association (AMA)
Academy of Marketing Science (AMS)
Product Development and Management Association (PDMA)
Alam, I., and Bhatti, I. B. (2024). Interacting with Muslim Customers for Developing New Shariah-Compliant Financial Services in a Multicultural Country. European Journal of Islamic Finance, 11(1): 1-16.
Alam, I and Bhatti, I (2023), A Comparative Analysis of Financial Service Development Strategies of Indian and Australian Firms. Academy of Marketing Studies Journal, 27 (5), October: 1-15.
Alam, I (2021), Integrating Social Media and Traditional Modes of Customer Interaction for New B2B Service Development, Journal of Business to Business Marketing, 28 (4): 321-345.
Alam, I and Seifzadeh P (2020). Marketing Islamic Financial Services: A Review, Critique and Agenda for Future Research, Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 13 (1/12): 1-19.
Alam, I. (2019). Interacting With Muslim Customers for New Service Development in a Non-Muslim Majority Country, Journal of Islamic Marketing, 10 (4): 1017-1036.
Alam, I (2018). How to Collaborate With Customers for New Service Development in Global Markets? Academy of Marketing Studies Journal, 22 (3): 1-11.
Alam, I (2015) 鈥淢arketing Financial Services to the Ethnic Minority Customers in India鈥, The Routledge Companion to Ethnic Marketing Jamal, A., Pe帽aloza, L. and Laroche, M. editors, 222-234. Taylor and Francis, NY. (ISBN# 978-0-415-64363-4)
Alam, I (2015). Developing Sharia-compliant Financial Services for the Muslim Customers in India. Journal of Islamic Economics, Banking and Finance. 11 (1): 47-70.
Alam, I (2014). Designing Experiential Learning Projects for Teaching Marketing Courses. Atlantic Marketing Journal, 3 (3): 114-130.
Alam, I (2014). Developing New Financial Services from Lead User Input in India. International Journal of Marketing & Business Communication, 3 (2): 24-32.
Alam I (2014), Moving Beyond the Stage Gate Models for Service Innovation: The Trend and the Future. International Journal of Economic Practices and Theories, 4 (5): 637-646.
Alam I (2014) Conducting Research for New Service Development in Emerging Markets. Journal of Services Research, 14 (1): 183-201.
Alam I (2014) Impact of Cultural Factors on Service Innovation, International Journal of Economics and Management, 4 (3): 20-33.
Alam, I (2013) Customer interaction in service innovation: evidence from India, International Journal of Emerging Markets, 8 (1): 41 鈥 64.
Alam, I (2012) New Service Development in India鈥檚 Business-to-Business Financial Services Sector. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 27 (3): 228-241.
Alam, I (2011) 鈥淧rocess of Customer Interaction During New Service Development in an Emerging Country.鈥 Service Industries Journal, 31 (16): 2741-2756.
Alam I (2011) Exploring Cross-National Differences in Service Innovation Process and Strategy in Developing and Developed Nations. Journal of Service Management. 22 (5): 586-606.
Alam, I. (2011) 鈥淜ey Customer Characteristics for Customer-oriented Innovation in Australian Service Industry鈥. Journal of Services Research, 11 (1): 41-60.
Alam, I. (2010) 鈥淒oes Service Innovation Process Differ Across Cultures?鈥 Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 22 (4): 460-472
Alam, I (2008) 鈥淪ervice Innovation Strategy and Process: A Cross-national Comparative Analysis鈥 Innovation in the Service Sector, New Approaches, Sen Simantee, editor. The Icfai University Press (ISBN# 81-314-1289-4).
Alam, I (2007) 鈥淣ew Service Development Process: Emerging versus Developed Markets鈥 Journal of Global Marketing, 20 (2/3): 43-55
Alam, I. (2006) 鈥淧rocess of Customer Interaction in New Service Development鈥 Involving Customers in New Service Development Edvardsson B., Gustafsson A., Kristensson P., Magnusson P & Matthing J, editors. Imperial College Press (ISBN# 1-86094-669-0).
Alam, I. (2006) 鈥淪ervice Innovation Strategy and Process: A Cross-national Comparative Analysis鈥 International Marketing Review, 23 (3): 234-254.
Alam, I. (2006) 鈥淩emoving the fuzziness from the fuzzy front-end of service innovations through customer interactions鈥, Industrial Marketing Management, 35 (4): 468-480.
Alam, I (2005) 鈥淔ieldwork and Data Collection in Qualitative Marketing Research鈥. Qualitative Market Research-An International Journal, 8 (1): 97-112.
Alam, I. (2004) Interacting with Customers in New Product Development Process. PDMA Handbook of New Product Development. Kahn, K, Castellion, G and Griffin A, editors. John Wiley and Sons. (ISBN# 0-471-48524-1)
Alam I. (2003) Commercial Innovations from Consulting Engineering Firms: An Empirical Exploration of a Novel Source of New Product Ideas, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 20 (4): 300-313.
Alam, I. (2003), 鈥淚nnovation Strategy, Process and Performance in the Commercial Banking Industry. Journal of Marketing Management, 19 (9-10), 973-999.
Alam, I. (2002) 鈥淎n Exploratory Investigation of User Involvement in New Service Development, the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (JAMS), 30 (3): 250-261.
Alam, I. and Perry C. (2002) 鈥淎 customer-oriented new service development process鈥 Journal of Services Marketing, 16 (6): 515-534.
Alam, I. (2000), 鈥楴ew Product Development strategies of Taiwanese firms鈥, Journal of International Marketing and Exporting, 5 (1): 47-58.
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Research Interests
Dr. Alam鈥檚 research interests are in the areas of Social Media Marketing, Cross Cultural Marketing and New Service Development. In particular, his present scholarly activities focus on the research questions and issues concerned with the use and influence of social media on customer interaction strategies during new service development process. In addition, he investigates the practices of social media use for new service development in Big Emerging Markets (BEMs) of the world. Thus, cross cultural research and the role and importance of emerging markets is another focus of his research. His Google Scholar Citation Index is one of the highest in 黑料网.
MKTG 331: Marketing
A study of the principles, concepts, and managerial policies pertaining to the marketing function within organizations. This course will focus upon the total quality management of the marketing function; consumer behavior; market research and information systems; policies pertaining to product and service development, pricing, promotion, physical distribution and sales; and the external marketing environment (e.g., law and ethics, globalization, technological change, and demographic diversity in the marketplace).
MKTG 332: Product and Brand Management
An essential element of corporate success is the management of products and brands. The course emphasizes the decisions that firms expect product and brand managers to make to achieve market share and financial objectives. In this course, students will examine how a favorable brand and memorable brand experiences can influence a firm's ability to withstand competitive pressures and thrive in dynamic market conditions. The students will study brand management from the consumer perspective to highlight the importance of customer perceptions in bringing brands to life and the role of brand knowledge in building brand equity.