Student Organizations: School of Business

Looking to get involved? The School of Business has a variety of clubs to suit all interests. Read the descriptions below for more information, and contact the student officer(s) or check out their website for more information!

Accounting Society

Accounting Society is a great club for all students and especially those interested in accounting. Throughout the year, the accounting society is involved with many activities that are both fun and educational for students consisting of speakers, dinners, and happy hours. We look forward to many great events!

Advisor: Dr. Harry Howe & Tim Hungerford
Student Officer:  President - Andrea Luna

Geneseo Marketing Association Club

The Geneseo Marketing Association is an organization made up of students who have an active interest in the field of marketing. Activities include working together to build a resume book to later be sent out to area businesses, inviting and listening to guest speakers discuss careers in the field of marketing, and visiting businesses to gain an upper hand in the field and to see firsthand how marketing is implemented in today's business world.

Advisor: Dr. Ian Alam
Student Officers: President - Riley Payne (rp24@geneseo), Vice President - Anna Dwyer (, Treasurer - Nicole Edinger (, Secretary - Isabella Cottone (, Director of Event Planning/Fundraising - Megan Jarc (
Website: /gma

Student Managed Inventment Fund (SMIF)

The Student Managed Investment Fund manages close to $700,000 of real money. The organization is run like a wealth management firm with all the different functions. Students interested in finance and stocks should clearly become members of the fund and actively participate on a team. All are welcome, prior knowledge is not needed and we provide training.

Co-advisors:  Chinmay Jain and Jeffrey Donlon
Student Officers: Co-Presidents - Kerry Dennin ( & John Kippley (

Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)

The Society for Human Resource Management strives to educate the student body regarding the evolving field of human resource management, formerly called personnel. Through the use of speakers, company tours, and general membership meetings, we gear our activities to those that interest our students. We accept and encourage all majors.

Advisor: Dr. Avan Jassawalla

Student Officers: Co-Presidents, Natalie Mandrycky ( and Julia Kimmel (

Website: /shrm

Women in Business

The Women in Business Club is an open-entry organization that strives to connect like-minded students. Our goals are to grow networks, form a sense of community, encourage personal and professional growth, and create opportunities to explore career paths.  The club expects to meet twice a month, focusing on relevant topics and hosting guest speakers.  Join us and please reach out to the club secretary for more information,  Sydney Stevens (

Advisors:  Liz Felski
Student Officers:  Co-Presidents - Ashleigh Scheidweiler ( & Samantha Durland (, Scretary - Lindsey Matthews (, Treasurer - Camryn Marshall (, Co-Communications - Nicolette Brutschy ( & Julia Ceravolo (