Biology Department Forms
ISC Building Pass and/or ISC Key Request Forms
These forms are available in the Biology Main Office, ISC 332, and must be signed by both the student and the faculty/staff supervisor. Students must carry both their building pass and their Geneseo ID. Building passes/card swipe access are only given for one semester at a time (fall, spring, or summer). Generally ISC student access is only given for the fall or spring semester from:
- Monday through Friday and Saturday and Sunday 7:30 a.m.-11:00 p.m.
Biology Undergraduate Lab Instructor or Assistant Applications
The Undergraduate Laboratory Instructor (ULI) and Undergraduate Laboratory Assistants (ULA) applications are available below. Forms must be completed and emailed to Brandy Eddy by the stated deadline. All positions are tentative and subject to change based on funding, staffing changes, etc. The provides further details.
- Undergraduate Laboratory Instructor - ULIs generally are paid minimum wage depending upon our budget and may receive credit.
- Undergraduate Laboratory Assistant - ULAs generally receive credit only and may be given preference for selection as an ULI in the future.
Forms (College-Wide)
Forms for address update, preferred name, etc. Please note that the course instructor may process General Permit and Class Overload forms themselves online.
Forms for declaring/changing major/minor, transfer course from another college, etc.