Art History Minor

The Art History Minor provides students with opportunities to explore the history of art as undergraduate scholars interested in careers in the Arts. Course offerings prepare students for careers in the arts, museum studies, education, writing, gender and environmental studies as well as public relations and business. The program allows students to combine it with majors to pursue combined degrees that lead to graduate schools in heritage preservation, information technology and cultural law. 

Total Credits Required to Complete Minor: 18-20

Basic Requirements: 

1 course at the 100 level (4 credits)

Credit(s): 4
Credit(s): 4
Credit(s): 4
Credit(s): 4
Credit(s): 4
Credit(s): 4

1 course in Renaissance or Baroque art at the 200 level or higher (4 credits)

Credit(s): 3
Credit(s): 4
Credit(s): 4

1 course in Nineteenth Century or Contemporary art at the 200 level or higher (4 credits)

Credit(s): 3
Credit(s): 4
Credit(s): 4
Credit(s): 4
Credit(s): 4

1 course at the 400 level (4 credits)

Credit(s): 4
Credit(s): 4
Credit(s): 4
Credit(s): As arranged
Credit(s): As arranged

Capstone experience (4 credits)

Credit(s): 4

Department Notes:

  • ARTH 495 and ARTH 499 may each be taken once for credit.
  • More than two subtitle courses are permitted with permission of the instructor.
  • Four (4) credits from the upper level requirements can be substituted by INTD 305 in one or two courses with the agreement of the instructor.