Professor Emeritus Of Anthropology
Zhiming Zhao has been a member of the Geneseo faculty since 1998
Curriculum Vitae
Ph.D., Ohio State University
M.A., Millersville University of Pennsylvania
B.A., Shanghai Institute of Foreign Languages
"Symbolism and the Chinese Lineage." The Journal of the Hong Kong Anthropological Society, 1999.
"Ling Yaohua and the Chinese School of Functionalism." Bulletin of the Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica, 1999.
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Research Projects
- The Tangs of Lung Yeuk Tau, a New Territories Lineage
- The Adaptabilty of the tang Lineage in a Changing Social Milieu
- Toward a Cultural Analysis in Lineage Studies
- Phonemic Substitution and Stylistic Variation among Bilinguals
Research Interests
- Lineage Theory and Models: the Invention of Tradition
- Religion and Popular Belief Systems: Cognitive Structure & Symbolism
- Cognitive Anthropology: Metaphor, Metonymy and Cultural Models
- Anthropological Linguistics: Language Socialization and Acquisition, Structuralism, and Bilingualism
- Development Anthropology: Modernity, New Ecology