Research Funds

Research Fellowships (£180,000)

Every year the Caius Fund supports one new Research Fellow for the duration of their four-year Fellowship. This opportunity offers them the academic freedom to explore their desired area of interest, uninhibited by Departmental or College teaching. Research Fellowships are awarded to candidates who are about to or have just completed a PhD.

To support our wide range of Research Fellows, you can .

Read what some of our current and have said about their experience at Caius:


Dr Anna Judson (2017), Classics

“My research focuses on the Linear B script, used to write an early form of Greek on clay administrative tablets in the Mycenaean palaces of Late Bronze Age Greece (c.1400-1200 BCE). The Caius Research Fellowship has enabled me to undertake a project studying the writing practices of the people who wrote the documents in order to understand more about who these 'scribes' were, how they worked within the palace's administration, and how they were originally trained to write.”


Dr Will Handley (2017), Natural Sciences

“I am a Research Fellow in primordial astrophysics & cosmology. Caius offers early-career research positions with the aim of launching the academic careers of promising young researchers. Immediately after my PhD, it has given me four years of funding and complete autonomy in setting my own research goals and trajectory. I cannot stress how invaluable this length of time and academic freedom is for a young researcher, as it enables me to pursue more ambitious projects than a traditional post-doctoral position would allow me to. The research I lay down here will likely form a large part of my life's work, and I am extremely grateful to Caius for offering me this rare and highly sought-after opportunity.”


Dr Giorgia Longobardi (2016), Electrical Engineering

“The financial support of & Caius was essential for carrying out my research in energy efficiency. I had ideas to demonstrate and & Caius has believed in me. Thanks to this research, a start-up company – Cambridge GaN Devices – that is creating leading-edge technology and employing young engineers now exists!”