Robert Davi '95

Photo of Robert Davi

Friday Knight Alumni Spotlight Q&A

Tell us about yourself. Where you live now, career, and/or family news. What have you been up to since you left Geneseo?
I graduated in May 1995 during the 129th Commencement celebration with a Bachelor of Arts in Communications, my passion being all audio visual technology.  Just before graduation my brother Frank called me up and asked me what I was going to do after graduation, he wanted me to move to San Francisco with him.  We embarked on a road trip southwest taking the southern route from New York to California. This was an amazing and bizarre trip.  As I was at the Grand Canyon I got a call for a job offer in Rochester at a TV station.  Knowing my future was in California I respectfully declined, cementing my future to the whims of chance.
My career in the tech industry has been vast and focused on all Audio Visual technology.  I have setup AV in hotels, edited video for the news at NBC in San Francisco, set up broadcast cameras pre-game for all local sports teams and driving the camera cart, holding the sound dish, or running behind the camera guy on field during games. Later worked in corporations in the finance and software industries at the dawn of video conferencing. Was a casualty of the "Dot Com Bomb鈥. Relocated to Los Angeles to install and program automated homes for the rich and famous, meeting several celebrities and have amazing stories from this time.  Relocating back north to Oakland continuing in home automation, then transitioning to corporate AV during the recession. Eventually making my way to management as a Regional Service Manager of California for both Los Angeles and San Francisco. 

In 2018, I accepted a job at GAP Inc. in San Francisco where with assistance of a long time friend and colleague we revamped their process and technology, refining how Zoom was used in all headquarters of GAP Inc. and its brands.  Audio Visual Technology turned out to be the life blood of the company when the pandemic took hold early in 2020.  The importance of my often overlooked department was undeniable.  Mid-year 2020 I took this learning to TriNet were once again I am revamping their process and technology, this time with Microsoft Teams.  

I have learned through my long and windy road, stay true to your passion and not only will you look forward to work but eventually you will be recognized for your contribution and celebrated.

Along the way I met and married my wife Jennifer of 20 years, welcomed to the world my son Jasper in 2004, and then my daughter Lucia in 2008 and now am embracing the many next chapters in my personal life from traveling to Europe in 2018 and 2019 to teaching my son to drive.  Every so often reflecting on my time in Geneseo and considering how my life changed by attending. 

What was your very first job?    
At the age of 10/11 I delivered penny savers on Long Island and have been working ever since.

If you didn't have to sleep, what would you do with the extra time?
If I never had need to sleep, I would fill the time with a mix of reading, binging shows, finishing all the projects I started but never find the time to complete.  Maybe even taking up rock climbing or scuba diving again.

What is one thing on your bucket list?    
I have always lived by the motto, "Live your dreams, don't dream your life away".  My bucket list is short but involves travel mostly.  More that any one location I want to see, I really want to see my two children grow up and discover their path in the world.

What would surprise most people about you?
My nick name in college "Frog",  even the professors called me that.

What is your favorite family vacation?
We love Ireland, both my wife and I have ancestry and ties to this wonderful country.

What is your favorite sport to watch and which team do you root for?    
None, I never really cared for sports.  I like to root for the opposite team then my friends to egg them on.

What is your favorite meal and why?
Sea Food Salad.  My father has been making it at Christmas time every year since I can remember.

What book(s) is currently on your nightstand?    
The Elements of Pizza, (can't get good pizza outside of New York!)

What is your favorite Geneseo tradition?
Using lunch trays for sledding