Geneseo's Honors College Experience
What is distinctive about Geneseo’s honors college experience?
- Geneseo is New York’s only member of the Council of Public Liberal Arts Colleges (COPLAC); distinguishes the college as a predominantly undergraduate institution that demonstrates "a diverse, equity-minded, and inclusive campus environment that fosters student success and graduation and offers intentional opportunities to first-generation, low-income, and underrepresented populations … a strong commitment to preparing students for a life of active citizenship and public service …[and] a sustained commitment to the liberal arts and sciences as a core educational enterprise."
- Geneseo is proud to offer a distinctive learning experience based on a that reflects career competencies and a core curriculum that is unique in the SUNY system in engaging with complex problems through interdisciplinary inquiry, with particular attention to diversity, pluralism, and power; World Cultures and Values; contemporary global challenges; and sustainability (Geneseo Education for a Connected World).
- Geneseo’s integrative and applied learning graduation requirement requires students to complete an internship, mentored research, public service, or international learning experience.
- Geneseo offers robust study abroad/study away programs and a successful Office of Fellowships and Scholarships that match students with competitive external funding and growing alumni support for study abroad scholarships; before the pandemic, 29% of graduating seniors participated in a study abroad experience.
- At Geneseo, there is a wide availability of community-based co-curriculars such as service learning, volunteerism, and student leadership opportunities, first and second-year residential experiences, and a campus culture that stresses investment in community and cultivation of habits of good citizenship that encourage students to reinvest in their communities after graduation.
- Geneseo provides wrap-around support focusing on advising, tutoring, orientation, student onboarding, access to living-learning communities, mental health and wellbeing programming, and early intervention with at-risk students.
- Geneseo is test-optional and evaluates students based on academic performance in the classroom, rigor, and grit/perseverance to assess academic ability and potential.
- Geneseo has a 74.7% 6-year graduation rate for all students and 70.7% for Pell students.
- Geneseo students report an 80% positive career outcome, including full/part-time employment, military service, volunteer work, or graduate school. (National First Destination Survey).